my body leans into it, the warmth: starved of it, these winter days of grey my body reaches up to it, the expanse: breathes again out from under heavy skies my body stretches into [...]
my body leans into it, the warmth: starved of it, these winter days of grey my body reaches up to it, the expanse: breathes again out from under heavy skies my body stretches into [...]
Preaching at Wesley Uniting Church, Canberra Jer 1:4 – 10; Luke 4:21 – 30 Today’s reflection is poetic, a meditation on the call of God to people, individuals and together, as we [...]
Poems from Whisper On My Palm Whisper On My Palm is a new collection of poems I will have published with Resource Publications in 2022. These are poems through the experiences of grief, illness, [...]
hearing Michelle, Mikhaila, Alison, Jade, and Tania speak at the Rise Christmas Party 2021 from this still space, this gentle pace of gather, together, communion, we ponder – hope – [...]
I cannot hold your hand today, friend or stranger, when we meet. I take instead the rose’s leaf, ‘hold me’, it said, ‘offer me your greeting.’ I cannot share embrace with [...]
A reflection on Proverbs 9:1–6; 1 Kings 2:10–12, 3:3–13; Psalm 111; Ephesians 5:15–20 Walk in the Way of Wisdom Proverbs 9:1–6 Wisdom has built her house, fashioned seven [...]
Eighteen Even now, it's as if no time at all has gone. But you have. You have; and the space gapes a void with no hugs or your laughing [...]
Reflection for Wesley Uniting Church, Forrest Psalm 25:1–10 (& Genesis 9:8–17; Mark 1:1–11) Psalm 25:1–10 To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, in you I trust; do not let [...]
Burns night hope, 2021 Oh my hope is like a new green shoot that's reaching for the sun. Oh, my hop is like a dancing tune, I'm bound to come [...]
For Christmas 2019 and 2020 (and the rest) Last Christmas gave us a fright, lines of dazzling light, searing wounds visible from highest skies. This Christmas, we can not light even [...]
From time to time, friends tag each other on Facebook in ten day sharing sprees on a theme: black and white photo from your day; albums that had a significant impact; books you love. [...]
these clean flannelette sheets smell like the cupboard in which they sat through the warm months, waiting, and remind me of her house – not her sheets, for they were stored [...]