

2022-09-08T15:43:35+09:301 August 2022|Poetry|

my body leans into it, the warmth: starved of it, these winter days of grey my body reaches up to it, the expanse: breathes again out from under heavy skies my body stretches into [...]

Listen to the Whispers

2022-10-13T13:52:58+10:3025 January 2022|Poetry|

Poems from Whisper On My Palm  Whisper On My Palm is a new collection of poems I will have published with Resource Publications in 2022. These are poems through the experiences of grief, illness, [...]

hope arising

2022-09-06T12:11:25+09:3018 December 2021|Poetry|

hearing Michelle, Mikhaila, Alison, Jade, and Tania speak at the Rise Christmas Party 2021 from this still space, this gentle pace of gather, together, communion, we ponder – hope – [...]


2022-10-13T13:54:27+10:3024 August 2021|Poetry|

I cannot hold your hand today, friend or stranger, when we meet. I take instead the rose’s leaf, ‘hold me’, it said, ‘offer me your greeting.’ I cannot share embrace with [...]

Last Christmas

2022-10-13T13:59:13+10:308 December 2020|Poetry|

For Christmas 2019 and 2020 (and the rest)  Last Christmas gave us a fright, lines of dazzling light, searing wounds visible from highest skies. This Christmas, we can not light even [...]

Tucked in

2022-10-13T14:01:54+10:3020 June 2020|Poetry|

these clean flannelette sheets smell like the cupboard in which they sat through the warm months, waiting, and remind me of her house – not her sheets, for they were stored [...]

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