
Art for The Voice

2023-08-26T16:55:44+09:3026 August 2023|Poetry|

The Effective Living Centre is co-hosting Indigenous arts events this week in support of the proposed First Nations Voice to Parliament. Tuesday evening, a film screening and conversation with the director; this weekend [...]

spiritual but not

2023-05-24T11:10:45+09:3024 May 2023|Poetry|

fragile we call to each other fragile we meet fragile breaking, falling apart fragile we stand together fragile strangers fragile humans more human together, fragile opening to Sacred mystery, fragile breaking falling open fragile [...]

while the jacarandas burst

2022-12-08T10:50:09+10:308 December 2022|Poetry|

jacarandas shout rebirth! life turns out of winter sleep; yet, spring’s unseasonal storms wash purple tears in torrents a brother, all of a sudden; a mother, cancer let go at last the trees and [...]

of ripples, glistening

2022-09-13T12:09:53+09:3010 October 2022|Poetry|

sunlight shows the surface ripples, glistens gold on dew-dropped leaves; warms my legs and blinds me as I squint past upper story windows to the vast pristine blue from hidden perches, kookaburras’ laughter draws [...]


2022-09-08T12:18:28+09:3012 September 2022|Poetry|

golden floodlight lifts greens to bolder brightness against deep grey – lifts me on a rolling wave of petrichor I can almost hear on my heart’s memory of the ocean – a sudden taste [...]

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