On Reflection

On Reflection2022-09-08T15:13:56+09:30
  • on reflection

The gift of ‘sorry’

8 May 2023|

A promising start I was with my family – mum, my two sisters, their husbands, and my niece and two nephews. We rocked up at a pub for [...]

  • music notes and Christmas bauble

Sound Unseen

15 December 2021|

Wesley Music Scholars' New Pieces Program This weekend, I attended a concert given by our Wesley Music Scholars. This is a joint program of Wesley Uniting Church and [...]

  • on reflection

Ten albums of impact

2 September 2020|

From time to time, friends tag each other on Facebook in ten day sharing sprees on a theme: black and white photo from your day; albums that had a [...]

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