Pray the Story book cover

Pray the Story brings together prayer-poems from Sarah’s blog of the same name (Pray the Story), composed for lectionary portions of the Bible from 2016–2019.

In this book leaders of worship have a collated resource of prayer and liturgy for selected portions across the breadth of the Christian year. The collection brings together new and diverse material with the prayer-poems originally published on the blog.

Pray the Story prayer-poems are sometimes poems that invite us to pray, sometimes prayers crafted with poetic sensibility, sometimes responsive liturgy.

You will find haikus and hymns in the collection, laments and affirmations of faith. Among other prayers, Sarah has composed a new version of The Lord’s Prayer, and a blessing of marriage for the queer community. Compositions are often confronting in their call to return to the Way of God; surprising in their use of language; accessible and inviting for all who wish to pray in response to the Sacred Story.

Published in 2019 by the author