For the whole of you
Minister's reply: Closure of Ministry Service We recently held the service to close my ministry with Wesley Uniting Church, Canberra. As part of these services in the Uniting Church, [...]
Minister's reply: Closure of Ministry Service We recently held the service to close my ministry with Wesley Uniting Church, Canberra. As part of these services in the Uniting Church, [...]
Transfiguration Sunday Reflections What happens on the mountain The first story we heard on Transfiguration Sunday was of Moses coming down from the mountain, his face shining, and the people astonished. We [...]
Ordering congregational life This Sunday our congregation holds its Congregational Life AGM (we split the business of the congregation, and hold a Budget AGM in the Spring). At this Summer AGM, we gather [...]
Reflection for Wesley Uniting Church Jeremiah 17:5–10; Psalm 1; Luke 6:17–26 Blessing. Woe. Judgement? When a prophet, when Jesus, announces blessing and woe, what is really going on? Well, let’s start with [...]
Preaching at Wesley Uniting Church, Canberra Jer 1:4 – 10; Luke 4:21 – 30 Today’s reflection is poetic, a meditation on the call of God to people, individuals and together, as we [...]
Wesley Music Scholars' New Pieces Program This weekend, I attended a concert given by our Wesley Music Scholars. This is a joint program of Wesley Uniting Church and Wesley Music Centre in Canberra, [...]
A reflection for Advent 2 – Peace On peace Luke 1:39–45 Don’t be afraid, Mary. The story last week featured Gabriel, messenger of God, urging Mary not to fear. [...]
Reflection on Proverbs 1:20–33, Psalm 19, and Wisdom of Solomon 7:26–8:1 Wisdom calls Listen to Wisdom, and we will dwell in trust, be at ease, (have) [...]
James 1 and St Aidan of Northumbria Reflection for Wesley Uniting Church, Forrest The letter of James exhorts followers of Jesus to have balance in their discipleship. To have [...]
A reflection on Proverbs 9:1–6; 1 Kings 2:10–12, 3:3–13; Psalm 111; Ephesians 5:15–20 Walk in the Way of Wisdom Proverbs 9:1–6 Wisdom has built her house, fashioned seven [...]
Introduction I have presided at a few 'rainbow' weddings, as I like to call them. I even had a special stole made for these occasions - you can see it below. That I [...]
Metaphors that help explore the difference between human use of power, and God’s. Psalm 24 and Mark 6:14–29 Of kings and kingdoms ‘Who is the king of glory?’ [...]