Diary of a Chronically Exhausted Vicar. Episode 40
Ready in three - one, two ... One. She sits beside me and simply with her presence says, put them down for a moment; put them all down, those burdens you are [...]
Ready in three - one, two ... One. She sits beside me and simply with her presence says, put them down for a moment; put them all down, those burdens you are [...]
I am back in Canberra, back to the rhythms and practices that are helping me regain good health. The treatment I receive with a chiropractor tends to open one's emotions. So, returning [...]
Precisely at the moment we thought we’d found hope and a way forward into better health, along comes another challenge to send me several steps backwards again. People talk about what an [...]
In which pain and fatigue have begun to ease again, and hope has returned. Years ago, the chiropractic technique of Network Spinal Analysis was introduced to me by a friend who [...]
Reader, I am not well. And yet I have had a productive day. Over the weekend, the fatigue grew worse again, tiredness, pain, fogginess in the brain. Ugh. Then Monday [...]
I see the cringe as I rise from my two hours' sitting – 'are you OK?' 'I am in pain' 'if there was only more that we could do ...' I hear the cry [...]
In which, ten days after I had started to emerge from the virus, I may actually, almost, be free. The sinus congestion had seemed to signal the turning of the virus, like [...]
It was a fog, thickly white, suffocating. It was an anvil or grand piano falling suddenly, heavily, from a snapped rope. It was a prison door closing out the light, the freedom. It was [...]
Sniffles, and a cotton wool head. Overwhelming desire to lie down and close my eyes. Muscles stiff, sore; limbs heavy. It is the season, so perhaps this is a virus? The days [...]
In recent Diary entries, I have moved from sorrow at what I was losing to the chronic fatigue, through taking significant steps forward into greater wellbeing, even while sometimes seemingly stepping momentarily backwards. In [...]
Less than a week after I reflected on some good energy, healthy practices and rhythms, and an apparent turning of a corner towards wellness, I was overcome with tiredness and slept a whole afternoon [...]
In which I appear to have taken further strides towards living well with chronic illness. I finished the stroke, stepped onto the step, and smiled, from deep within: I feel amazing. This [...]