Peace be with you
Reflection for Unley Uniting Church, 16 April 2023 : Easter 2 John 20:19–31 Peace for his disciples 1 The beloved It was strange: before he said peace, before we knew he [...]
Reflection for Unley Uniting Church, 16 April 2023 : Easter 2 John 20:19–31 Peace for his disciples 1 The beloved It was strange: before he said peace, before we knew he [...]
jacarandas shout rebirth! life turns out of winter sleep; yet, spring’s unseasonal storms wash purple tears in torrents a brother, all of a sudden; a mother, cancer let go at last the trees and [...]
sunlight shows the surface ripples, glistens gold on dew-dropped leaves; warms my legs and blinds me as I squint past upper story windows to the vast pristine blue from hidden perches, kookaburras’ laughter draws [...]
Turning up I turn up. I make time, I open a Zoom chat, come to your home, welcome you to mine, or meet you in another warm, inviting, environment. When I turn up, [...]
Chronic Fatigue is not only the physical pain, discomfort, and difficulty in moving your body, nor that your body feels ten times heavier than it is. Chronic Fatigue is also your [...]
golden floodlight lifts greens to bolder brightness against deep grey – lifts me on a rolling wave of petrichor I can almost hear on my heart’s memory of the ocean – a sudden taste [...]
my body leans into it, the warmth: starved of it, these winter days of grey my body reaches up to it, the expanse: breathes again out from under heavy skies my body stretches into [...]
Poems from Whisper On My Palm Whisper On My Palm is a new collection of poems I will have published with Resource Publications in 2022. These are poems through the experiences of grief, illness, [...]
Unwelcome Circumstances Pandemic Exhaustion & Chronic Fatigue When I heard reports of the exhaustion people were experiencing after these two years living with a global pandemic, I empathised. First, because I, too, [...]
Reopening the Diary It's been 9 months since I posted an entry in this diary of life as a 'vicar' with Chronic Fatigue. During that time, the symptoms have eased [...]
Or, the discomfort of learning by transgressing I am tired. Achy. I have a house to tidy for the cleaners coming tomorrow. There is a deadline looming for videos to [...]
Summer: swimming stronger I swam ten minutes straight, strong and consistent backstroke on the tether. And I felt energised after, not worn out. Energised! Can you believe it? Me, who for the 18 [...]