Holding space for your retreat
Perhaps it seems a bit twee in expression, but part of my vocation, my exercise of a ministry of presence, is to hold space for people. I exercise a ministry of holding people [...]
Perhaps it seems a bit twee in expression, but part of my vocation, my exercise of a ministry of presence, is to hold space for people. I exercise a ministry of holding people [...]
It is a story to which I return again and again. It is the story I use to demonstrate what I mean by emotion, physicality, and audience showing me meaning in a biblical composition [...]
Learning about Leading. Lesson 3: carry the song Deborah's song. Sometimes known as Deborah and Barak's song. But Deborah is the one who sings it (the verbs are first person, singular, feminine, in [...]
This Friday, Australian time, catch the first of my keynote sessions for the Network of Biblical Storytellers International Festival Gathering - free! 10 am in the east, watch live on YouTube, [...]
Have you heard church leaders, preachers, theologians bemoan the lack of ability of congregations today to listen to a sermon? Listening audiences are accused of having short attention spans, requiring multi-media delivery of a [...]