Diary of a Chronically Exhausted Vicar. Episode 55
In which I find my way back to joy! Steps forward, back, and forward again I felt the feelings. I took wine off the menu. I began to sleep more deeply under [...]
In which I find my way back to joy! Steps forward, back, and forward again I felt the feelings. I took wine off the menu. I began to sleep more deeply under [...]
When knowing is not enough I know that emotions are important; that emotions are interpretive, responsive, guiding. I know that feeling emotions is important for our well-being. The method for interpreting the Bible [...]
Reflections from Welsey Uniting Church, Forrest today Part One: Are we the seed, planted in the dark? Genesis 37:1–4, 12–28 We are jealous (Genesis 37:1–4, 12–28) the brothers We are jealous, [...]
To my congregation Like many of you, I had travel plans for this year. Right now, I might have been between conferences in Adelaide and Melbourne. I was meant to be [...]
Over the weekend I suddenly recognised my sadness and loneliness (even in a week of numerous, joyful, connections with people), my tiredness and insomnia, lack of enthusiasm and abundance of anger, for what [...]
A matter of perspective Some members of my congregation are worshipping online with other congregations during this pandemic season. One response to this might be concern that we will 'lose' [...]
A fellow clergy person wondered recently about priests being on the sidelines, seeming unneeded in the time of Covid-19 suspension of community gatherings. I wondered if it might actually be an invitation to trust, and [...]
As I sat down to write this, at 9pm on Saturday night, I had just finished watching A Quiet Passion for the first time. OK, I finished five minutes before that. As I sat [...]
The current situation of lock down, social distancing, covid19 precautions, is overwhelming, isn't it? I am finding it too much to be on social media, for all the articles and opinions being shared. My [...]