Learning about leading. Lesson 2: connection.
Communication is key Leadership is all about relationships. Someone whose leadership I appreciate is Phil Ruge-Jones, facilitator of the Network of Biblical Storytellers' Scholars Seminar. He's been reading, [...]
Biblical Storytellers Festival Gathering Keynote One
This Friday, Australian time, catch the first of my keynote sessions for the Network of Biblical Storytellers International Festival Gathering - free! 10 am in the [...]
God still calls: despite doubt, insecurity, brokenness.
on Jer 1:4–10 and Luke 13:10–17, for Wesley Uniting Church Canberra, 25 August 2019 My, but we can get in God’s way, can’t we? ‘Not today, God, there are [...]
Who are we, Community of Christ?
The Stories: Acts 16:16-34 and John 17:20-26 I want to begin with the story in Acts; the first part of the story, which we often skip over for the [...]