Another anniversary. Another poem.
Eighteen Even now, it's as if no time at all has gone. But you have. You have; and the space gapes a void with [...]
Like a brave green shoot
Burns night hope, 2021 Oh my hope is like a new green shoot that's reaching for the sun. Oh, my hop is like a dancing [...]
Last Christmas
For Christmas 2019 and 2020 (and the rest) Last Christmas gave us a fright, lines of dazzling light, searing wounds visible from highest skies. This Christmas, [...]
Tucked in
these clean flannelette sheets smell like the cupboard in which they sat through the warm months, waiting, and remind me of her house – not her [...]
still, I ache
life with chronic fatigue I swam to move the muscles: still, the flame raged. I soaked to loose the muscles: still, the flame raged. Spa jets to soothe [...]
all my tears
for Dad I cry with Fatigue, and I am crying for you I cry, inflamed muscles aching, I am crying for you I cry anger at isolation, but find: [...]