
  • Indulge in Sarah's third collection of poetry. This collection expresses the joys and hardships of life.  From Christian spirituality to the profanity of injustice, these poems explore the isolation of the poet and her deep connection to family, friends, community, and creation.  
  • Eight original poems composed to the meters of traditional Advent and Christmas hymns and carols.
  • Poems, stories and spoken word pieces by Sarah Agnew, who returns to the words, stories, and characters of William Shakespeare in her own writing.
  • A pamphlet collection of poems that speak prayerfully through life’s joys and sorrows, and shout at life’s injustices.
  • Sarah’s debut poetry collection brings together more than 100 poems from over a decade of writing. Through deep darkness and flickering hope, the joy of love, and sorrows in loss, sacred encounters, shared humanity and the discovery of self, On Wisdom’s Wings tells the story of a poet learning to fly.
  • This collection brings together new and diverse prayer-poems. You will find haikus and hymns, laments and affirmations of faith. These prayer-poems are crafted with poetic sensibility and responsive liturgy.
  • One thing we can be sure of in life is that nothing will stay the same. Sarah’s second collection of poetry is shaped by the landscapes of Adelaide and Edinburgh. Poems that speak of leaving home, hope, despair and love!
  • Whisper on My Palm

    These poems will lead you through lament and healing, loss and love, and self-understanding. Sarah takes you on a journey through community and individual crises of bushfires, the pandemic, loneliness, friendship, and grief following her beloved Dad’s sudden death.  
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