
  • Eight original poems composed to the meters of traditional Advent and Christmas hymns and carols.
  • Interactive Good Friday litany for leaders and congregation, with silence, music, and minimal action.
  • Simple story and liturgy for lighting candles through Advent and at Christmas, with added element of water.
  • Remember, and Wait

    Light-hearted dramatic telling of the Advent stories from Matthew's Gospel set in Lectionary Year A. Featuring Noah, a Scout, John the Baptist, Mary, and Joseph! A prayer to accompany the lighting of the Advent candle for each week. Story and candle prayer for Christmas Eve/Day also included.
  • People's responses for Story Eucharist + Lord's Prayer (new words)
  • Prayerful, poetic responses to the Bible, Pray the Story invites you to encounter the Sacred Story and the Sacred revealed in the Story.
  • This collection brings together new and diverse prayer-poems. You will find haikus and hymns, laments and affirmations of faith. These prayer-poems are crafted with poetic sensibility and responsive liturgy.
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