

Guest Appearances

Australian Women Preach

Lent 2: Mark 9:2–9

February 20 2024

What the Hell is a Pastor

July 18 2023

What the Hell is a Pastor

July 19 2023

What the Hell is a Pastor

November 16, 2021

What the Hell is a Pastor

November 18 2021

Dwelling. In conversation with President Rev Sharon Hollis

Dwelling in Prayer

July 7 2023

Pray the Story Podcast

Poetic prayers composed and recorded by Sarah Agnew

Prayerful, poetic responses to the Bible portions heard aloud in churches around the world each week, Pray the Story invites you to encounter the Sacred Story and the Sacred revealed in the Story.

My deep passion is to engage in a way of being that is contemplative, solitary yet mutually supportive. To dwell in a place of solitude; to be connected with community and collaborators; to meet people in their stories with presence, story, prayer, for the health and wholeness of us all.

I yearn to nurture our collective wellbeing, and I know well the conditions that enable effective practice.

Example playlist

Peacock’s Roost Podcast

Responding to life’s unwelcome circumstances – peacocks on the roof, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome …

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