Eight original poems composed to the meters of traditional Advent and Christmas hymns and carols.
This collection brings together new and diverse prayer-poems. You will find haikus and hymns, laments and affirmations of faith. These prayer-poems are crafted with poetic sensibility and responsive liturgy.
Prayerful, poetic responses to the Bible, Pray the Story invites you to encounter the Sacred Story and the Sacred revealed in the Story.
Light-hearted dramatic telling of the Advent stories from Matthew's Gospel set in Lectionary Year A. Featuring Noah, a Scout, John the Baptist, Mary, and Joseph! A prayer to accompany the lighting of the Advent candle for each week. Story and candle prayer for Christmas Eve/Day also included.
Interactive Good Friday litany for leaders and congregation, with silence, music, and minimal action.
Simple story and liturgy for lighting candles through Advent and at Christmas, with added element of water.