
  • Interactive Good Friday litany for leaders and congregation, with silence, music, and minimal action.
  • Through the Valley is a study for Lent in five sessions. Inviting deep encounter with the Psalms by hearing them aloud and responding from how they make us feel, the sessions lead groups into conversation that engages with those feelings as much as with scholarly insight. Journal pages encourage participants to wonder and play with their own creative responses to the Psalms, Spirit, and season. Also offered are meditations for Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, and Easter Day, and exercises in writing your own psalms.
  • Prayerful, poetic responses to the Bible, Pray the Story invites you to encounter the Sacred Story and the Sacred revealed in the Story.
  • This collection brings together new and diverse prayer-poems. You will find haikus and hymns, laments and affirmations of faith. These prayer-poems are crafted with poetic sensibility and responsive liturgy.
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