Another anniversary. Another poem.
Eighteen Even now, it's as if no time at all has gone. But you have. You have; and the space gapes a void with no hugs or your laughing [...]
Eighteen Even now, it's as if no time at all has gone. But you have. You have; and the space gapes a void with no hugs or your laughing [...]
Burns night hope, 2021 Oh my hope is like a new green shoot that's reaching for the sun. Oh, my hop is like a dancing tune, I'm bound to come [...]
For Christmas 2019 and 2020 (and the rest) Last Christmas gave us a fright, lines of dazzling light, searing wounds visible from highest skies. This Christmas, we can not light even [...]
these clean flannelette sheets smell like the cupboard in which they sat through the warm months, waiting, and remind me of her house – not her sheets, for they were stored [...]
life with chronic fatigue I swam to move the muscles: still, the flame raged. I soaked to loose the muscles: still, the flame raged. Spa jets to soothe the muscles: still, the flame [...]
for Dad I cry with Fatigue, and I am crying for you I cry, inflamed muscles aching, I am crying for you I cry anger at isolation, but find: I cry for you I [...]
A lament for Australia Summer 2020 Where do we begin with this great wall of fire or that fire storm or the hungry angry monster? Where do we begin? How do we enfold them [...]